Science to Script: Speed Science-ing
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Orchard View Room | Discovery Building
330 North Orchard Street, Madison, WI 53715
***RSVP Required:***
Dr. Avtar Roopra | Department of Neuroscience, School of Medicine and public Health
Data science approaches to curing neurological disorders
Dr. Caroline Alexander | McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research
Reacting to the world: how thermogenesis changes your life
Dr. John Yin | Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, College of Engineering
Predicting the future: from the weather to your health
Dr. Kevin Ponto | Wisconsin Institute for Discovery, School of Human Ecology
Simulating the experience of real-world environments
Dr. Laura Hernandez | Department of Dairy Science
Serotonin isn’t just a brain/mood regulator
Dr. Susan Paskewitz | Department of Entomology
How the “TickApp” will help control of tick-borne diseases
After party with WN@TL: SOIL – A PRECIOUS RESOURCE UNDER THREAT with Dr. Jo Handelsman, Director of the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a Vilas Research Professor, and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor. Jo previously served as a science advisor to President Barack Obama as the Associate Director for Science at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) where she served for three years until January 2017.
Please share the invite widely – this event is free and open to the public!